American Canyon Laser Dentists 

Dr. Kevin Duquette, Dr. Jade Castro, Dr. Kevin Cabugao and Dr. Paul Belusko

As the personal health and safety of our family and friends during this pandemic has always been our highest priority, we understand your concerns regarding Coronavirus and do not take your trust for granted where a majority of us have been vaccinated. Given the gravity of COVID-19, we are respectfully asking all patients (new and scheduled) who are experiencing symptoms of any respiratory virus to call us to reschedule. Specifically, this means anyone who has or recently had a fever and is coughing, sneezing or having difficulty breathing, as well as anyone who has been exposed to someone with the COVID-19 virus. We are ONLY seeing healthy friends and family in our office. We always comply with all CDC and OSHA directives for disease prevention and protection. In addition to sanitizing our office with a much higher frequency, we are asking our patients to limit their guest (if needed) to one person and to thoroughly wash their hands when they arrive for their appointment and before leaving. You will see plenty of soap and clean disposable hand towels in our bathroom and you will find sanitary hand gel and tissues in every room. These are here for your use and comfort. Every single instrument is completely sterilized after every use. Our safety attire, including clinical gowns, face masks, and gloves are changed before seeing each patient. You may not realize it, but between patients, our dental assistants wipe down the dental chair and all surrounding surfaces with medical-grade disinfectant after each patient. This is part of our standard disease prevention protocol and we always do it. Above and beyond, we now apply the same protocol in the reception and other common areas. Lastly, if you have any special concerns, I will be happy to have one of our clinical team members call you back to answer your questions to see how we can best help you understand our laser-focused care here at Marina Encore Dental!

Peace and Blessings, 

Dr. Kevin Cabugao, Dentist and Director of Hospitality

Our Practice 

When you visit our modern dental offices in American Canyon or in the city of Napa, leveraging anesthesia-free laser and same-day dentistry, your oral health is our top priority. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the highest level of care that you deserve.

Symbolic of our green practice philosophy and reflective of our founder's heritage, the Sampaguita flower is the national flower of the Philippines whose name comes from the Tagalog words Sumpa Kita, meaning, "I promise you."  Part of that unconditional promise is our dedication to help our friends look better, feel better and live longer through the best modern dentistry available.  As the flower blooms year round with its gentle fragrance, we promise to be uncompromising in our care, serving beyond your expectations while improving the oral health of your friends and family one smile at at time.

New Patients Welcome

Part of our promise is to go above and beyond for our patients. This includes providing information that helps them make informed decisions about their oral health needs. This website is a resource we hope you’ll find useful and interesting.

NEW PATIENTS CLICK HERE to learn about appointments & payment options as well as find answers to frequently asked questions, download patient forms & more.

Part of our commitment to serving our patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health needs.  This website is a resource we hope you’ll find both useful and interesting. 

Contact Us! Book Appointment Today!

Please browse through our website and be sure to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. You may also use our online appointment request form to schedule your appointment or click on this link to download our latest phone app for faster service at your convenience!